Samhain with Athena's Circle went really well. During the feast beforehand (which was, of course, delicious), it was like like I was home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. As ridiculous as this will sound, I felt like it really was a holiday, and I was surrounded by family and friends. It was a good feeling, and much preferable to Samhain last year - then again, just about everything in my life at Bryn Mawr this year is better than the last. That's the way it should be, though - life gives you tough lessons, you learn a little here and there, and then you go out to kick ass and take names.
More about the actual ritual - note to self, invest in a camera - the leader of AC and I wrote the ritual together and decided we wanted to break with our traditional (and very Wiccan) format a bit. The focus of Samhains in the past has been some form of divination or ancestor communication and this year we decided to take a break from all that. This year the ritual was going to be entirely devotional, dedicated to honoring the ancestors and their passing. What follows is a basic outline for the ritual - I'll put in specifics later, in a different post.
Invoking Athena/Stating Purpose - we decided to call the deities (only invoking Athena by name) and ancestors before casting the circle and then calling on no one once the circle was cast. This was to allay fears of any Shit Going Down, as it has in the past on Samhain.
Casting the Circle - we had three methods: a round of hugs while singing "We Are A Circle", a circle of tealights behind us, and walking the circle thrice with an athame.
Calling the Elements - no lanterns this time! We decided on the quarters (I was North) and passed around smoldering incense and a bowl of salt water.
Persephone - so we only specifically invoked Athena, but I was totally able to sneak Persephone in here anyway. I told her story (in abridged form) and shared a chant I had created for her.
Main Ritual Work - as a group, we constructed an altar to the ancestors. First, in total silence, we set our offerings for those that had past on. I brought a small piece of wood with an intricate tree burned/carved into it I found at the Goodwill, a miniature chalice, a small Buddhist prayer wheel, and four Tarot cards: The High Priestess, the Hierophant, the Moon, and the Sun. After this, we shared stories about those who had past, recently or long ago.
Thanking the Elements - same as Calling, but reversed. Thanks Momma Earth.
Opening the Circle - same as Casting, but reversed, and using the chant "The Circle Is Open".
All in all, I was pretty pleased with how things went. I'm glad Athena's Circle is expanding, not just with new people but also with a willingness to experiment with ritual style. We're still heavily influenced by Wicca, but there seems to be more self-awareness with that fact. I'm already excited for Yule. :)
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