Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Post!

I've never been able to keep any internet related project going, even my own personal blog, so we'll have to see how this goes.

Hi. My name is Ellen, and I'm a Pagan.

Assuming I'm at all capable of keeping this thing going (I know, I know, way to attract negativity to this venture before it's even really started), I envision this blog turning into a personal rambling archive, book review list, funny (or not so funny) anecdote collection, and public Book-o-Shadows. What else can I say for myself besides my name and religious affiliation?

Well, I've been a Pagan for about two and a half years now (dedicated myself Ostara 2007) and been studying Paganism for over three years. I'm also Unitarian Universalist and am considering going to a UU seminary for grad school. I attend Bryn Mawr College and hope to major in either religion or anthropology (or both, if I'm feeling particularly masochistic). I read, I write, I draw, I cook (and eat), I'm a shameless geek, and I'm just coming to realize how absolutely, ridiculously awesome life can be.