Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring is here!

Well, close enough. The official equinox is this Saturday (3/20), but here in PA the snow has melted, the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and the winter weather has finally dissipating. For all intents and purposes, to me, it's springtime.

For me, a lot of changes are going on in my life - a lot of seeds are starting to sprout that were planted God only knows how long ago. I'm transferring from my school to another, for one thing. Fingers crossed my transfer application gets accepted. For another, I've started researching Druidry as presented by ADF (Ár nDraíocht Féin, the Druid group associated with Isaac Bonewits who's my favorite Pagan author ever), which takes a pan-European approach to their theology. My friend and I ran an ADF-inspired ritual a few nights ago, and I have to say I really prefer it to Wiccan rites.

I've never been good with making commitments and keeping them, and New Years Resolutions are often laughs, but I have felt like it's time to get back to my writing and art that I've mostly let fall to the side while being a college student. One of the things I want to get back to is my blog, hence this entry.