Saturday, September 25, 2010

Changes, pt. 1

[Note: this post may be far more entertaining if you put on some David Bowie music!]

Life has been a little crazy for awhile now.

Since my last post, I have: 1) Joined Ár nDraíocht Féin and started their Dedicant's Path, 2) made the transition to Roanoke College as a junior transfer, 3) started a Pagan student group on campus, 4) officially declared myself a religion major, and 5) have been going through some less than pleasant spiritual and emotional upheavals.

A lot of chaos has been introduced into my life over the past few months, and everything seems to indicate some major changes that have been a long time coming. One of the things I'd like to do is seriously pick this blog back up (I know, promises, promises...) to give me something to focus on that isn't just of myself. If I blog about it, it's right out there in the open, and I have to own it. My doubts and insecurities, my triumphs and joys, they're not just something for me to hoard away anymore. And you know, I think I'm just fine with that.

I'm actually headed for a Mabon celebration with a local coven in the area in about half an hour, so I expect my next blog post will be about that experience. However, I fully intend to do a "Changes, pt. 2" post and continue working through all the highs and lows in my life. And then, onto regular blogging! Twice a week? Three times a week? Now that's just crazy talk. :)

Blessings on everyone, no matter what path you're walking.

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